Activist Performer

The performance

it is the transformation to claim realities.


Activist performer, I carry out actions in the street to make visible the realities of migrants, Afro-descendants, and indigenous people, from the rescue of worldviews present in our bodies.

Piedad Lorena Guerrero Coka, is a Magister in visual arts, a specialist in pictorial production and new media, and a Master in visual arts.

Biografía website piedad coka


I work from the transterritorial approach while I connect with the natural elements (water, fire, earth, air). 

I am a multidisciplinary artist, I work from dance and imperfections to connect with the unconscious and emotions in some of the performances made during the years 2016 to 2019.

Work was done to make migration visible, always empowering the elements of the region, such as the Cunche and the Putumayo necklace.

Upcoming events

If you want to start your activism in your locality, commune, neighborhood, classroom and have the tools, look for me.

I invite you to contact me directly or visit my YouTube channel if you want to know about performances and body resistance for activism.

I have recently published videos about the national strike in Colombia from April 28, 2021, to date.
